Everything You Need To Know About Sexual Dysfunction in Women

Not only men have problems with sexual activity, the most common of which is impotence. A delicate but often encountered intimate problem is female sexual dysfunction, much more commonly referred to as frigidity in everyday life. It is not so noticeable physiologically as male erectile dysfunction, but in fact it causes enormous psychological and physiological discomfort both to the woman herself and to her partner.

So, what sexual dysfunction in women? What are its causes and symptoms? How to treat this condition and is treatment necessary? In this article we will try to observe all these issues.

What Is Female Sexual Dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction in women is characterized by a woman’s inability to achieve and maintain the level of arousal necessary for a comfortable sexual intercourse, as well as by her inability to achieve a full orgasm. Such a condition may be caused by psychological factors as well as by physiological ones.

Female sexual arousal has several stages. First of all, a woman gets a mental attitude toward sexual intimacy, when sex begins to occupy her thoughts at a psychoemotional level. This stage can take from a couple of seconds to several hours, depending on the temperament of the woman and the specific situation she is in.

Then comes the process of physiological arousal. The secretion of lubricant from the vagina, from the Bartholin glands increases. This is accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of all erogenous zones, the clitoris enlarges, swelling of the labia takes place. The increased rush of blood to the genitals ensures the expansion of the vagina and its increase in length.

In the process of the sexual act, if it brings pleasure to the woman, these reactions increase and are accompanied by rapid deep breathing, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. The vagina tightly wraps around the penis of a man. A woman may feel a need for caressing the breasts, feel an itch or a slight burning sensation in them.

The culmination of these sensations should be an orgasm – the peak of sexual pleasure, accompanied by a powerful physiological and psychological relaxation. Female orgasm is the highest point of tension, the peak of sexual feelings, followed by a decline in sexual arousal. Orgasm is accompanied by a series of rhythmic contractions of the vagina, the clitoris and anus, as well as the uterus.

If at any of these stages regularly a failure takes place, arousal subsides, and the woman can’t experience an orgasm, or she doesn’t feel arousal, and the sexual act hurts her (although the man pays sufficient attention to the preliminary caresses and doesn’t suffer from premature ejaculation), we can talk about the presence of female sexual dysfunction.

By the way, perhaps, men will be interested to learn one interesting fact related to imitation of female orgasm. A woman can very skillfully pretend that she is finishing, even imitating the contractions of the muscles of the vagina, but there is one symptom that she will never never falsify: if a woman experiences a real orgasm, it is easy to feel the rhythmic contractions of her anus, occurring simultaneously with contractions of the uterus and vagina, with an interval of just under one second. Usually their number is from five to eight. So if you think that a woman is deceiving you, just put a finger pad to her anus, and find out the truth.

Psychological Sexual Dysfunction in Women

Of course, sexual problems having psychological roots are more complicated in treatment, because in such cases the aim of treatment is not just to eliminate adverse factors in the work of the reproductive system of a woman’s body, but also to return the woman her sexual liberty, confidence in her attractiveness, trust in her partner. This is a much more difficult task than fighting with such problems as a decrease in libido during menopause.

There are a lot of psychological reasons which may lead to problems with achieving an orgasm or with sexual desire in general. Most common of them are:

  • illiteracy in sexual matters,
  • puritan education, sexual rigidity,
  • shame at a woman’s own desires and fantasies,
  • anti-sexual psychological settings,
  • distrust of a partner,
  • fear of physical intimacy,
  • psychological trauma,
  • unpleasant first sexual experience

and many others.

Quite often these reasons are combined with various physical causes. In order to get rid of these problems, it is recommended for a woman to address to the psychologist or to the sexologist. Mental traumas are treated by consultations with a specialist, and physical problems may require the attention of a sexologist.

Among the diseases causing a deterioration in the quality of the sexual life of women right up to sexual dysfunction, there can be named various endocrine pathologies, alcohol and drug abuse, fatigue, stress and depression. The libido can also be adversely affected by physical overstrain, pregnancy which causes changes in the hormonal background in the female body, as well as the period of menopause and menopause, when the reproductive function is dying in the organism.

Neurological disorders and vascular diseases can also lead to problems in sexual life, expressed in the impossibility of maintaining sexual arousal. Neurological disorders and vascular diseases can also lead to problems in sexual life, expressed in the impossibility of maintaining sexual arousal. Ironically, women also sometimes have a problem, such as hypertrophied sexual desire, or nymphomania. This disorder is usually caused either by hormonal failure of the organism caused by adrenal or ovarian tumors, or by serious mental disorders (psychoses, schizophrenia).

To get rid of frigidity, first of all a woman needs to pay attention to all the pathologies of her body, even at first glance not related to the sexual sphere of life. It is necessary to adjust the regime of the day, cure chronic diseases, try to minimize the level of stress. If the psychological side of the question continues to rise in the way of happy sex, it is worth turning to a psychologist. Sometimes, if the cause of sexual dysfunction lies in clinical depression, a woman will need the help of a psychiatrist who must prescribe antidepressants to the patient. Nevertheless, such cases are quite rare, and usually general activities for the recovery of organism are enough to bring the colors back to bed. In the event that a woman suffers from blood stasis in the pelvic organs, the doctor may prescribe special preparations to improve blood circulation, often known as "female Viagra", which facilitate the onset of an excited state.

Of course, no less important aspect is the physical, and mainly psychoemotional compatibility with the partner, his attitude to the woman, to sex, to the foreplay. It is important to know that pain during sexual intercourse or after orgasm can signal about serious gynecological problems of a woman, such as inflammatory diseases of the genitals, endometriosis, ovarian cysts or even genital tract pathologies. In case you suddenly began feeling pain during sex, contact your gynecologist!

It is important to know that pain during sexual intercourse or after orgasm can signal about serious gynecological problems of a woman, such as inflammatory diseases of the genitals, endometriosis, ovarian cysts or even genital tract pathologies. In case you suddenly began feeling pain during sex, contact your gynecologist!

You should pay attention to the fact that, contrary to established stereotypes, women can and should masturbate. Long-term abstinence in the absence of a partner can lead to stagnation of blood in the genitals, which is nothing good for the entire reproductive system. In addition, it will be useful for a woman to develop an attitude for herself that if she has sex, then it should end with her orgasm, that is, sex is not a duty to a man, but pleasure for herself. If a man can not satisfy you, do not hesitate to bring yourself to the orgasm.

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